Freelancer: eneschufy
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Sample of my VFX work.

Hello, I've created a sample for you. Also I've used some SFX for explosion and spaceship but I forgot to render with audio. Also I've painted the trash on the right side of the road but I've forgot to connect tracking points for the trash panting :)) I'm sending the sample on this form, because this is just a sample. If you like it. I'll upload it with soundfx and trash painting tracked version :) Have a nice day. I'm not uploading it 4k right now but if we are going to work together I'll upload it on 4k. I've worked on 4k on this project but you know, 4k file sizes is getting too much for samples. So anyway, here slightly better quality for this sample:

Participación Nro. 12

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  • eneschufy
    • 4 años atrás

    Here is the second pass with color grading;

    • 4 años atrás
  • eneschufy
    • 4 años atrás

    But you need to #increaseprize because VFX jobs aren't that easy :) There is lots of works for many frames ^^.

    • 4 años atrás