Get a smooth emails and drives backup, export, import, or migration from Google Workspace to anywhere, without headaches or sleepless nights.
Some of what I can do for you:
Email registration and setup
Google Workspace migration, Office 365 migration, Gmail migration
Smart Email, Contacts, Docs, Calendars setup and migration
Google Drive & One Drive migration
G Suite, AWS Workmail, Outlook, O365, Zoho, Webmail, Gmail, IMAP, POP configuration.
Godaddy to G Suite migration
Domain ownership verification
Create email accounts and sub-accounts/aliases
Combine or Connect multiple email accounts to one.
Optimize email delivery to avoid the spam folder.
Set up secondary domain and domain aliases
Set up and update DNS records: SPF, DKIM, DMARC, TXT, MX, etc
Configure email forwarding
Configure mail filtering to a particular folder
Configure email clients like Outlook, Mailbird, Em Client, Thunderbird
And so much more